Thursday 5 May 2016

What do you think?

In the coming weeks I will be filming some of the volunteers while undertaking some of their daily tasks. I think it will be of great interest to many other students to witness the busy lives these students live.. I am also very open to suggestions for other ideas!

What do you want to see in the coming weeks? Are there any specific issues you would like me to cover?

Please leave a comment below and I will get back to you :)


  1. Do your volunteers get stereotyped?

  2. How strict are the volunteers with eating foods that might not be halal or not easily identifiable as halal?

  3. Do your volunteers find it difficult to keep to prayer rituals when out and about?

  4. Do the volunteers ever feel they are segregated in the Adelaide Community?

  5. Are there many muslim temples / mosques in Adelaide?

  6. Do the volunteers ever feel they are segregated in the Adelaide Community?

  7. Living in Adelaide/Australia is very different to Indonesia . . .what differences do they enjoy and miss?

    1. I'll also get answer to this question this week :) Thanks!

  8. Thanks for all the great questions. I put a couple of the questions to the volunteers yesterday. Stay tuned for this week's update to see the answers!

  9. As an Indonesian Muslim living in Adelaide how do volunteers manage to stay in touch with their culture and religion?

    1. Thanks Annie for the great question! I'll be sure to include that in one of this week's videos!

  10. As good and familiar as my own culture may be I always feel very free when I travel/live in another country because everything is so different and I can act, think, engage in a new way with the people and environment around me. Often I find that the experience changes me, opens my mind and heart.
    Does being in Australia allow the volunteers to have new perspective or fresh insights into their faith and lives?

  11. Saya ucapkan Terimakasih kepada pembuat artikel ini, artikel ini sangat bermanfaat dan tentu saja
    berisi informasi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk semua pembaca di blog ini. Update terus dan tetap semangat gan.
    Sukses selalu untuk Anda kunjungi web kami untuk menambah ilmu Bandar Judi Bola Terpercaya
    Di Indonesia.www Terima kasih
